Throwback Thursday | Six Things No One !@#$%^& Told Me About Pentesting

Jason Downey shares his whirlwind experiences from his first year as a Penetration Tester. The talk is aimed at newer pentesters or those aspiring to enter the field, offering valuable insights that would have made his transition smoother and quicker. Jason candidly discusses the challenges he faced, the knowledge he gained, and the moments of self-doubt he encountered while hacking and learning at a rapid pace. He presents six crucial aspects that every pentester should know and offers tips to stand out to potential hiring managers.

As a security consultant at Red Siege, Jason Downey spends the majority of his time hacking clients and occasionally dealing with frustrations while cussing at Microsoft Word. His extensive experience in offensive, defensive, and networking roles provides him with a well-rounded approach to security. Jason is known for blending his knowledge and personality to creatively persuade people to make secure choices. Beyond the cybersecurity world, he enjoys kickboxing and traveling to different countries, making his talk engaging and relatable to those embarking on their pentesting journey.